Newsletter January 2020

Newsletter January 2020

Industry 4.0New possibilities with BETESO Dear customer, we at BETESO are also getting prepared for Industry 4.0. In the future, our products will be able to be networked with modern…

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Plasma ignition source for microscope – Attention: high voltage!

Plasma ignition source for microscope We recently received a development order from one of the world's leading manufacturers of professional microscopy systems, which we were particularly happy about. The customer…

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Simple voltage display on EA-eDIP240
Spannungsanzeige mit EA-eDip240

Simple voltage display on EA-eDIP240

Simple voltage display with EA-eDip240 We at BETESO are currently working on a few changes for a transformer. These changes are customer-specific. It is a 3-phase transformer which delivers 40kVA…

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